It's been a little while...
1 dollar holla: stupid line that a man uses to get a lady's attention.
So over the past 2 weeks, I have had a number of interesting encounters with men on the street. None of them worthy of my attention. some of the lines were:
"Have we met before?!"
"Those shoes must hurt, can I massage your feet?"
"You have such a pretty smile. Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"I like your style. What yo name is?"
Then you have those guys that look at you as you walk by, and you feel as if they are going to eat you alive! Staring you down mad hard. Ugh. These guys make me feel so uncomfortable, borderline sexual harassment!
I guess I'm flattered by all this, but I kinda don't like it. Maybe it's because the right person hasn't stopped me yet... Where is the swag? Where is the chivalry? You look like you have no job. All of these men were either weak or just tasteless. Make it stop, Please!
On a mission.
Last week, I was up and down in Flatiron, a part of Manhattan, collecting job applications from different stores. I need a summer job! Needless to say, I heard those 1-dollar hollas as I walked from block to block. (of course only from black men, what is the deal with that?) Then as I walking past some eyeglass shop, I see the security guard looking at me shockingly, as if he knew me. So I waved, then stopped, then went closer to the door. He opens the door. I said, "Do I know you from somewhere?" he replies, "No, but you have a pretty smile."
Now I, thinking Damn, he got me. I was tricked! I stopped and he told me I had a nice smile so I have to be nice. womp. But then I got a second look at him and he really wasn't all that bad looking, so I continued to roll with it. "I saw you walking all around this place, how old are you?" OK. this man is cute but clearly has NO game. Never ask a woman how old she is, even if she looks as if she's in her 20's... what a weird way to start a conversation. Plus it's stalkerish to be watching someone for that long. I was walking around there for like 2 hours. Long story short, he was so pathetic that I left him w. my cell number, and left Flatiron with no job. lol. at least his mission was accomplished :-/
So I thought the rule of thumb was when you get a woman's number, you don't call/text her the same day! The only reason I gave him my number was because he had Cute Points. Other than his looks, he was a complete failure at the game of cat & mouse (aka man pursuing woman). He texted me way too many times that day and he even called me twice! Then texted me asking if he could call me and when can we hang out. I ignored all of it.
Then he texted me today, a week later, "Hi, What's up stranger? U got a job?" I felt like saying "didn't your parents teach you not to talk to strangers?" Because my parents did. lol For this reason, in addition to his loserlike behavior and because I am salty that I still have a no job, I will continue to ignore this man.