Victoria: hahahahaha. i feel u tho, sometimes we just have to tap into our moments of blackness
Forgive me please it has been forever since my last post! I've been meaning to but I was busy working in high-end retail, acting a fool, and engaging in reckless activities. Then back at school, pretending to be a grad student. then graduated again & moved to the lovely Mid West. but first
...Across the Atlantic Via the Middle Passage.
...Across the Atlantic Via the Middle Passage.
Quick & under-developed metaphor. can I just say: Trapped on a boat. We were of different tribes & needless to say we spoke a different tongue. tried to communicate. #fail. We were chained together & took a while before we realized we had to try to break ourselves free... As we stepped ashore, I broke the chain & I caught a glimpse that faded...
...Back to Black: Africa, Where it All Began.
Someone or something took me back. Not sure what it was, but I'm glad it took me there. to where it all began & where my mind belongs. :-) Ya'll know who it isss. booo-lova, aka as of September 2009, my man, my negro. So as it was in Roots, so has it been for me. I've been in touch with my inner Kunta Kente, my mandinka warrior. I've been reminded and rewarded with my newfound, long lost, and always ever-so-loved blackness.
So enough with the borderline crappy writing above. I wasn't an english major, but I tried OK lol. I wanted my long over due post to be enlightening and eloquent but its turning out to be UBER cliche. ehh but I'll go on anyway. The lesson I finally learned like 1.5 yrs ago: Leave that ol' dead beat man ((or that TrueBloodsucking vampire friend, bad habit, whatever youknow you should get rid of)) with the peace, chuck up the mother fucking deuce & bounce! Straight 90's music video style. Be honest with yourself because we all know seasons change. Truth be told, sometimes autumn comes before you are prepared to rake up and throw out the dead leaves. (Don't be a bag lady. Erykah told me it'll hurt your back, carryin all them bags like that). But once you realize all this, then of course,Bless yourself with freedom to do whatever you want, with whomever you want & be happy. Tap into that Mandinka warrior woman... lol. mandinka.... lol Just go watch Roots, its good.